Dog Health, Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Human Food? Check The List & Know The Reason Why

Can Dogs Eat Human Food

Pet parents enjoy sharing food with their four-legged furbaby. However, can dogs eat human food such as peanuts, ice cream, cheese, pumpkin, chocolate, garlic and etc? The answer is Yes and No. Some human food is safe and nutritious for dogs and some are not. Before you feed your loved dogs with human food, you should actually pause and think about this question.

“Is this safe for him/her to eat?”

Estimated reading time: 17 minutes

Which Human Food Can Dogs Eat?

Accidental pet poisoning may be more common than you think. According to ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC), there’s 13% among 370,500 calls from pet parents are attributed to the concern of feeding human food to their pets. 

Read on to find out which food is okay for sharing in moderation and which food should be avoided.

List of Human Foods Dogs Can Eat

human food dogs can eat

Human food that is safe for dogs to eat:

  • apple
  • banana
  • bread
  • carrot
  • cheese
  • corn
  • egg
  • fish
  • mango
  • papaya
  • peanut butter
  • persimmon
  • pork
  • pumpkin
  • strawberry
  • turkey
  • watermelon
  • white rice
  • yoghurt
  • zucchini

Top 20 Common Human Food For Dogs

human food dogs can eat - 1/2
human food dogs can eat - 2/2

Can Dogs Eat Banana?

  • Is this popular human food – the bananas good for dogs and why?
  • Absolutely! Bananas are a brilliant choice for a low-calorie treat for dogs. Bananas contain vitamins and nutrients like fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and potassium which contribute to your dogs’ health. They are low in sodium and cholesterol, but because of the high sugar content, bananas should be given to dogs in moderation.

    How many bananas should I give?

    We suggest ½ bananas for adult dogs per day and small dogs should only have two to three small pieces per day.

    How will I know if my dog has had too much banana?

    If your dogs eat too many bananas, you will notice some stomach upset.  You might also need to observe their daily poo. Diarrhea and vomiting might occur.

    Can Dogs Eat Mango?

    Is mango good for dogs & why?

    Yes, mango is high in fiber, as well as vitamin A, B6, C, and E, making it quite nutritious for dogs.  Mango is a great source of vitamins. Vitamin A in mango promotes good eyesight for your loved pets. A high level of antioxidants in mango helps to boost your dogs’ immune system as well.

    How many mangoes can dogs eat?

    To avoid diabetes and obesity, one-quarter cup of fresh mango once a week (or twice a week for large dogs) is an appropriate serving.

    Can a dog eat a mango pit?

    No. Your dogs might get choked and the mango pit might get stuck in your dog’s digestive tract.

    Can Dogs Eat Corn?

    Is it safe for my dog to eat corn & why?

    Yes, many veterinary nutritionists agree that corn for dogs is not a problem and in fact, can be part of a well-balanced diet. Corn contains antioxidants like vitamin E and beta-carotene, which help support a healthy immune system in dogs.

    Should dogs eat corn on the cob?

    Many dogs love to chew on corn cobs. If your dogs gobbled up the corn cob, it will lead to gastrointestinal injury or obstruction.

    Can my dog eat canned corn?

    Yes. However, canned corn is not a good choice due to its high sodium content.

    Can Dogs Eat Bread?

    Can dogs eat bread & why?

    Yes. Bread is essentially a filler food and generally safe food for dogs as long as your dogs don’t have any allergies to it. However, bread is a high-carbohydrate food. Its carbs turn to sugar (energy) in the body and might cause obesity in dogs.

    Is it safe for my dogs to eat wheat bread?

    Wheat bread contains gluten. Some dogs might have an allergic reaction to wheat.

    What bread can dogs not eat?

    Be sure to avoid bread containing garlic and onion, nuts like macadamia, and chocolate.

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    Can Dogs Eat Papaya?

    Is papaya good for dogs & why?

    Dogs can eat fresh papaya in moderation. It is a healthy treat for your four-legged friends. With plant-based nutrients like papain, lycopene, and lutein, papaya provides unique benefits to digestive systems. Papaya is also a good source of Vitamin C and K.

    How much papaya can I give my dog?

    Share small amounts of papaya occasionally. Always feed your dogs with papaya in moderation.

    Can dogs eat papaya seeds?

    No. Make sure your pet isn’t eating papaya seeds, which contain small amounts of toxic cyanide that will lead to intestinal blockage.

    Can Dog Eat Persimmon?

    Is persimmon good for dogs & why?

    Persimmon is packed with essential vitamins to support dog health. It is a nutritious treat for dogs. Persimmon is full of Vitamin A and C which helps in promoting good eyesight and a healthy skin coat as well as boosting the immune system in dogs.

    How many persimmons can a dog eat?

    Too many persimmons might cause stomach upset in your dogs. For a large dog, one to two servings of persimmon should be okay.

    Can dogs eat persimmon peel?

    It’s alright to not peel the persimmon skin. However, be sure to remove the seeds and pit before feeding your dogs in order to avoid digestive problems.

    Can Dogs Eat Peanut?

    Can dogs eat peanut & why?

    Peanuts are safe and non-toxic to dogs. Peanuts are full of vitamins and nutrients. They’re high in vitamins B6 and E, niacin, protein, and healthy fats which contribute to your dogs’ health.

    How many peanuts can dog eat?

    Always be in moderation. Feed them just a few peanuts and don’t make it as a daily treat for dogs.  Just remember to remove the shells before serving peanuts up to your dog

    Can my dog eat salted/flavored peanuts?

    Only unsalted/unflavored peanuts are safe for dogs. Salted peanuts contain high sodium and can be harmful to dogs if they ingested too much. Other than that, honey-roasted or salted peanuts contain a high level of fat and might cause pancreatitis in dogs.

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    Can Dogs Eat Ice Cream?

    Can dogs eat ice cream & why?

    The ice cream itself is not toxic to dogs. The main takeaway is that ice cream isn’t a healthy option for dogs due to the high levels of sugar in it. Dog’s stomach isn’t ready to handle lactose. The inability to digest lactose will lead to bloating, gas, diarrhea, or vomiting.

    Can dogs eat “sugar-free” ice cream?

    Though sugar-free ice cream has lower sugar content compared to traditional ice cream, it is still a no-go for your dogs. Sugar-free ice cream still contains large amounts of saturated fats which will increase the risk of heart disease. Some of these sugar-free dairy products contain xylitol, which is a sweetener that’s toxic to dogs.

    Are there any dog-friendly ice cream alternatives?

    Yes, dogs can certainly eat “homemade” ice cream. Just freeze some bananas and then blend them, Banana “Ice Cream” is done! You can also try to mix the frozen bananas with some apples or pumpkins, it really does the trick! Try it & you will have fun.

    Can Dogs Eat Cheese?

    Can dogs eat cheese & why?

    The cheese itself isn’t poisonous or toxic to dogs. Whether or not dogs can eat cheese is that it depends on the individual dog. Though cheese contains calcium, zinc, and Vitamin B12, some cheese contains added ingredients such as garlic, chives, onions, and herbs that might be harmful to dogs. The suggestion is to feed your dog with cheese in moderation, alongside a healthy main diet.

    How much cheese can a dog eat?

    Cheese is high in fat. Your dog should get no more than a few small bites of cheese each day. Just to remember, dog treats should account for no more than 10% of your pets’ daily calorie intake.

    Can I sprinkle some cheese on my dogs’ food?

    Cheese sometimes can be a good food topper to increase your dogs’ appetite. Make sure to opt for cottage cheese rather than Parmesan Cheese which is high sodium in content.

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    Can Dogs Eat Pumpkins?

    Can dogs eat pumpkins & why?

    Yes, dogs can eat pumpkin as pumpkin is a superfood for dogs. It contains essential vitamins such as A, C, and E, and minerals such as iron and potassium. Pumpkin is good for boosting digestive goodness in dogs because of the prebiotic compound found in it.

    How many pumpkins can a dog eat daily?

    One to four tablespoons of pumpkins per meal to your dog’s diet daily is highly recommended. Always start with small quantities to avoid adding too much fiber to your dogs.

    Is that true that pumpkins can reduce instances of diarrhea in dogs?

    Yes. Pumpkin is a useful and affordable way to help battle your dogs’ diarrhea. Pumpkin also helps to remove excess water in a dog’s digestive tract besides being a natural stomach soother. However, if diarrhea problems still persist, you should consult with your veterinarian.

    Can Dogs Eat Dried Cranberry?

    Can a dog eat dried cranberries & why?

    Yes, it’s proven that cranberries, no matter if they are raw, cooked, or dried, are safe for dogs to eat. Cranberries are packed with nutrients and antioxidants which help to boost a dog’s immune system, help prevent some cancers, and improve cognitive and bladder health. 

    How many dried cranberries can I give my dog?

    The keyword is to feed your dog with cranberries in moderation. Medium-sized dogs can have a few up to ten cranberries a day while the smaller furkid just sticks to one or two.

    Can I feed my dog with cranberry jam instead of dried cranberries?

    Cranberry jam isn’t toxic to dogs. However, it contains too much sugar content and it’s not good for your dogs. Aside from getting a higher chance of obesity, a higher dose of sugar can upset the balance of microorganisms in the gut and lead to diarrhea.

    Can Dogs Eat Turkey?

    Can dogs eat turkey & why?

    Yes. Turkey meat is lean and easy to digest. It’s also a rich source of riboflavin and phosphorus. Riboflavin supports the metabolism in your dogs and phosphorus works with calcium to strengthen your dog’s bones and ligaments. It’s a good substitute for protein for dogs that are allergic to chicken and beef.

    How to feed turkey to your dogs safely?

    Skip the turkey skin and bones. Consuming a large portion of the skin can cause the pancreas to become red and inflamed (pancreatitis) in dogs. Turkey bones can splinter when chewed by dogs. It might cause blockage in their digestive tract and lead to choking hazards. 

    How to know if dogs are allergic to turkey?

    Always make sure to serve plain and cooked white turkey to your dog. Avoid having seasonings or adding herbs when cooking your dog’s food. You will notice signs of vomiting, diarrhea, or skin redness if your dog is allergic to turkey.

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    Can Dogs Eat Oats?

    Can dogs eat oats & why?

    It’s safe for dogs to eat oats. Oats are a good source of soluble fiber, which helps dogs in digestion and bowel movement. Since oats contain more protein than most grains like wheat and corn, the essential amino acids from protein contribute to your dog’s muscle development and tissue repair. In addition to it, oats are also packed with omega-6 fatty acids and vitamin B which help in promoting a healthy skin coat.

    What kind of oats can your dogs eat?

    You should choose the minimally processed oats to feed your dogs. Flavored or pre-mixed oats might contain xylitol. Dogs should never be fed on these oats.

    How often can your dogs eat oats?

    Oats should not be the staple of your dog’s diet. The rule of thumb is to feed your dog no more than one tablespoon of cooked oats per 20 lbs of body weight at any one time.

    Can Dogs Eat Egg?

    Can dogs eat eggs & why?

    Yes. Dogs need fatty acids and vitamins, and eggs provide both. The egg yolk contains vitamins A, D, E, K, and B12, which act as a catalyst in metabolism and development. The egg white, on the other hand, contains necessary minerals like magnesium, zinc, and iron that help in building stronger bones and ligaments.

    How much egg can a dog eat?

    The intake depends on the size of your dog. One full egg a day for large dogs and reduce the portion to half for small and medium-sized dogs.

    Can dogs eat raw eggs?

    There is a risk associated with feeding raw eggs – your dog might get Salmonella infection from raw eggs. This bacterial infection can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. Most veterinarians recommend cooked eggs for dogs.

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    Can Dogs Eat Salmon?

    Is salmon safe for dogs & why?

    Salmon is definitely a safe and healthy option for your canines friend. Salmon is a saltwater fish native that is popular for its loaded fatty acids and nutrients. It’s high in eicosatetraenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are both long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. EPA and DHA help to regulate the immune system, brain development, skin health, and improve cognitive function in older dogs.

    Can dogs eat raw salmon?

    Do not serve raw or undercooked salmon to your dogs. Raw salmon is unsafe because it contains parasites and bacteria, specifically a parasite called Neorickettsia helminthoeca. This parasite can cause salmon poisoning to your dog and can be fatal. 

    What are the signs of salmon poisoning?

    Uncooked or undercooked salmon contains bacteria and parasites which are possibly leading to salmon poisoning disease (SPD). The sign of SPD varies for dogs but basically, you would see some signs of:

    – Diarrhea
    – Vomiting
    – Fever
    – Swollen lymph nodes

    Can Dogs Eat Guava?

    Can dogs eat guava & why?

    Guava is totally safe for your dogs to eat. Guava is loaded with vitamins A, C,  and K which act as antioxidants to boost your dog’s immune system. Also, 100 grams of guava contains 5.4 grams of fiber. Fiber helps in reducing the chance of constipation in dogs. 

    Can dogs eat guava seeds?

    Seeds are often problematic for dogs because seeds contain cyanide. Cyanide could be poisonous to dogs. So, we recommend avoiding feeding your dog the seeds from guava. 

    Can I feed my dogs with guava every day?

    Guava contains plenty of vitamins and nutrients to help your dog look its best. However, guava does also contain high sugar levels. Too much sugar will cause your dog to put on weight. It is recommended not to feed your pup more than 100 grams per week.

    Can Dogs Eat Dried Blueberry?

    Can a dog eat dried blueberries & why?

    Absolutely YES! Phytochemicals in blueberries help to reduce inflammation in chronic disease in dogs, and furthermore, this chemical compound aids in fighting cancers.

    Anthocyanins (which are responsible for the blue or purple color of blueberries) work with antioxidants in blueberries to lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

    How many blueberries can a dog eat?

    For most medium to small-sized dogs, 10 blueberries a day should be appropriate. Large dogs can have more than ten, but you need to keep the 10% treat portion in your mind when feeding them.

    Anything I should take note of when feeding dogs with dried blueberries?

    Yes. Since dried blueberries are small in size, dogs might tend to eat them without chewing or gulping down. To avoid choking risks, a good idea is to add dried blueberries to smoothies along with other fruits and vegetables to be part of your dog’s diet.

    Can Dogs Eat Tomato?

    Can dogs eat tomatoes & why?

    Ripe tomatoes are considered safe to feed your dogs. However, they should be fed in small amounts. Lycopene in tomatoes is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to fight cancer cells and aid in skin and coat health. Also, beta carotene found in tomatoes helps the body to manufacture vitamin A to aid in eye health. 

    What is tomatine poisoning?

    Ripe tomatoes are non-toxic. However, the stem and leaves of a tomato plant are poisonous because they contain solanine. When the stem or leaves are fed in large amounts to dogs, tomato poisoning, known as tomatine poisoning, can occur. Some of the symptoms of tomatine poisoning are:

    – Muscle weakness
    – Pupils dilation
    – Tremors
    – Loss of coordination
    – Seizures
    – Cardiac effects (arrhythmia, irregular heartbeats)

    What about feeding dogs with tomato paste?

    To add tomato nutrients to your dog’s diet, tomato paste is a good alternative. Look for tomato paste with no added sugar or no salt added because any additives will do harm to your dogs. Plain tomato paste is always the best choice.

    Can Dogs Eat Celery?

    Is it safe to feed dogs with celery & why?

    Although celery is not part of the usual dog food menu, celery can be fed in moderation to your dog and it is generally safe.

    Celery is known for providing a healthy dose of potassium. Potassium is essential to help your dog to stay hydrated and may prevent muscle cramps. Aside from potassium, celery also contains vitamins A, C, and K to promote a good nerve system. 

    How to feed your dog with celery?

    Celery has a bitter taste and a strong smell – which might cause your dog to refuse to eat it. Try some of the tips here to encourage your dog to eat celery. You can blend up celery and mix it in with their other food. Or, try adding some peanut butter to the celery to cover the strong smell. 

    Can dogs eat celery raw?

     If you’re planning to serve raw celery to your dog, make sure you chop the celery into small bite pieces to avoid choking risks. Older dogs, they may prefer cooked celery to raw – as it can be easier to chew and easier to digest.

    Can Dogs Eat Garlic?

    Can dogs eat garlic & why?

    Definitely NOT. Garlic is from the Allium family of root vegetables. The Allium family contains an organic compound called n-propyl disulfide, which causes hemolytic anemia in dogs. Dogs with hemolytic anemia might have the symptoms of:

    – Discolored urine
    – Pale gums and drooling
    – Elevated heart rate or breath rate
    – Abdominal pain
    – Decreased stamina or even fainting after or during exercise

    Can I feed my dog with garlic supplements, garlic powder, or garlic oil?

    Garlic is toxic by itself to dogs, however, garlic supplements could be safer for your dogs if you and your vet have decided your dog can benefit from garlic supplementation. Other than that, garlic powder and garlic oil in the market are often concentrated – making them more toxic to your dog than raw garlic.

    How much garlic is toxic to dogs?

    Garlic may be one of the best natural remedies for fleas and ticks. If you’re planning to try feeding some garlic to your dog and aren’t too sure about the quantity, here’s a guide to it.

    Studies have found it takes approximately 15 to 30 grams of garlic per kilogram of body weight to produce harmful changes in a dog’s blood. However, some dogs are more sensitive to garlic poisoning than others. The best way is to consult your vet before feeding garlic to your dog.

    human food dogs cannot eat

    Human Foods Dogs Can’t Eat

    “Can dogs eat human food?” is a question often asked by pet parents. Here are some examples of food that is harmful to dogs:

    • anything contains alcohol because alcohol can caused intoxication in dogs.
    • coffee and anything that contains caffeine will cause cardia arrhythmias in dogs.
    • chocolate contains methylxanthines that stop a dog’s metabolic process.
    • onions, garlic and chives are part of Allium family, which causes poisoning in dogs

    Can Dogs Really Eat Human Food?

    It is important to keep these harmful foods for dogs out of their reach. If you’ve any doubts about a specific food, consult with your veterinarian before feeding your dogs.

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