Dog Health, Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon? This Discovery Might Surprise You

If watermelon is healthy for us, can dogs eat watermelons too? 

Watermelon has become a popular choice of fruit and it is the perfect thirst-quenching treat, especially when the weather is hot. This is because watermelon contains 92% of water, hence it acts as a great hydrating snack.

Not only that, watermelon contains a great amount of potassium, vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin B6, which are very beneficial to our health. This is why it is also a healthier choice compared to other unhealthy alternatives such as ice cream. Watermelon also contains fibre that contributes to a healthier digestive system.

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Benefits of Watermelon

Now, let’s take a deeper dive into the healthy contents of watermelon. 

Benefits of Watermelon for dog
  • Water: Watermelon contains 92% of water content, which is high. Watermelon provides high water content that helps with providing hydration to dogs which is an important factor to be considered during hot weather.
  • Antioxidants: Watermelon also contains a good amount of antioxidants. Antioxidants help to repair damaged cells that can be caused by environmental stresses.
  • Lycopene: Lycopene is also found in the watermelon and is known for cancer prevention and for supporting good vision in dogs.
  • Potassium: Potassium is considered a very healthy component in watermelons. Potassium is extremely beneficial for both humans and dogs. It provides many benefits such as supporting healthy kidney and heart function, promoting healthy bone density, regulating fluid levels, and helping with muscle development.
  • Vitamin C: A popular and powerful antioxidant that boosts the immune system and reduces inflammation.
  • Fibre: Watermelon also contains fibre that helps in avoiding constipation, resolving diarrhoea and avoiding blockages.
  • Vitamin A: Vitamin A supports the proper function and quality of skin, coat, muscles, and nerves which is wonderful for dogs. 
  • Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 is a critical coenzyme for brain and body functions that regulate fluid balance, build proteins, regulate hormones, and support neurotransmitters.

Watermelon is filled with many beneficial nutrients that are healthy for dogs. Apart from the listed nutrients above, watermelon is generally low in calories, low in sodium, fat-free, and cholesterol-free. This is why watermelon is a healthier choice of dog treats compared to other store-bought treats. 

So, Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

The answer is, YES! Did you know that watermelon is not only a healthy treat for humans but for dogs too? Did you also know that the benefits listed above found in a watermelon do not only work for human bodies but for dog bodies too?

Watermelon is a safe and nutritious treat for dogs but it should be fed in moderation, as watermelon contains sugar. 

When it comes to feeding watermelon to dogs, it is important to be aware of the following: – 

  1. You must always remove the seeds as the seeds are dangerous due to the possibility of causing an intestinal blockage. 
  2. Avoid feeding the rind (also known as the green outer part of a watermelon) to dogs as it can cause gastrointestinal distress due to indigestion that can lead to diarrhoea or vomiting. 
  3. Slice or dice watermelon in smaller chunks to avoid choking.
  4. Avoid feeding canned watermelon, sugared, or packed in syrup, to dogs. As these may contain added preservatives or sweeteners such as xylitol which can be extremely dangerous to dogs. It is best to only feed fresh and unsweetened watermelon. 

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Ways to Make Creative Watermelon Snacks

There are many cool ways that dog owners can prepare watermelon snacks for their dogs, aside from feeding them in seedless chunks. 

Mini frozen watermelon chunks


  • Cut watermelon into small chunks. 
  • Remove watermelon seeds and watermelon rinds. 
  • Freeze the watermelon chunks in the freezer and you can serve them once frozen. 

Watermelon puree


  • Cut watermelon into small chunks. 
  • Remove watermelon seeds and watermelon rinds. 
  • Blend, blend and blend until it becomes a puree and is ready to be served.

Watermelon “ice cream”


  1. Cut watermelon into small chunks. 
  2. Remove watermelon seeds and watermelon rinds.
  3. Add watermelon chunks into the blender together with plain, unsweetened yoghurt and blend!
  4. Once the mixture has turned into a smooth texture, freeze the mixture in the freezer until it is frozen, and it is ready to be served. 

Things To Take Note When Dog Eating Watermelon

While watermelon is beneficial and a good hydrating snack option for dogs, it is important to be mindful that just like any other dog treat, it must be fed in moderation. Any dog treats must not contain more than 10% of a dog’s daily calorie intake.

A cup of diced watermelon contains 45.6 calories. It may be difficult to resist those pitiful puppy-dog eyes but you must remember to avoid feeding more than required. Dogs are better off getting their daily nutrients from their daily meals. 

Another important thing to take note of when it comes to the safety of feeding watermelon to dogs, not all dogs know how to enjoy watermelon. While watermelon contains good nutrients that are beneficial, some dogs can be allergic to watermelon. Hence, it is important for dog owners to check with the veterinarian if something unusual happens after feeding watermelon to dogs. 


Overall, watermelons are safe for dogs. The high fibre and water content are the reason why watermelon is one of the ideal fruit choices for dogs. Together with the other nutrients, watermelon is easily categorised in the superfood category.

If you are planning to let your dog try watermelon this summer as a delicious thirst-quenching treat, please be mindful and only feed in moderation to avoid causing an upset stomach.

Remember to always remove the watermelon seeds and watermelon rinds too!

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